Feature overview of Analog Toolbox:
This app contains the following tools cq calculators.
- Balanced and und balanced PI and T attenuator
- Power and voltage converter (W,dBm,V,dBµV)
- Parallel LCR impedance/resonance
- Series LCR impedance/resonance
- Inductor impedance
- Capacitance impedance
- Ohm's Law
- Radio equation (1-way path loss)
- Air Core Inductor Inductance
- Capacitor impedance
- Peak to RMS (peak, RMS, average, CF)
- Mixer harmonics (up and down convertion)
- Resistor color code (reverse lookup, 3 to 6 band)
- Filter Design (Butterworth, Chebyshev, prototype):
- Low pass and high pass filter
- Band pass and band stop filter - Trace Width and Clearance Calculator.
- Calculation of minimal trace width for a maximum current value.
- Calculation of minmal clearance for a maximum voltage.
- Also the voltage drop, resistance and power loss is calculated. - Series and Parallel component (R, L and C) calculations.
- Reverse Series and Parallel resistor calculations.
- Inductor Color Code Calculator.
- Capacitor Charge Calculator.
- Led Resistor Calculator.
- Voltage Divider Calculator.
- Opamp Calculator.
- Wavelength calculator